Five days after the garage roof collapse the rain and wind eased off long enough for the clear up to commence. Property Pro (also known as my husband) wants to keep any undamaged roof tiles to re-use or possibly sell so the site is being carefully dismantled by hand. Every tile is removed, graded, washed and carefully stacked. Although this seems very labour intensive, it is safe and completely in keeping with his usual methodical style.

Some items have already been rescued from the rubble: several hi-vis jackets; two picnic blankets thought to have been left in Wales; a cool box and some hand tools. We also "have a visual" on a couple of bikes we were storing for relatives. I hope they aren't planning a cycling holiday in the next month or two.
We've enjoyed watching the reactions of passers-by, and are very grateful for the considered assessments of neighbours and strangers who have, without exception, observed, "You've got a big job on there". Indeed we have, but then we had already worked that out.
We still have to earn a living, so the work has to be fitted in between other jobs, but with every tile moved I can see PP's surveyor/draughtsperson brain mentally sketching out the new internal configuration of the building. A wet-room has been mentioned, I wonder if it's the right time to slip 'hot tub' into the conversation? Perhaps not, since I spent the first few hours of the clean up enjoying the Kite Festival in New Brighton.
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